If you are using GB, FM, TM, YO, OG, OZ, Fouad, YC, ZE, Soula, whatsap Indigo or any other moded whatsapp, then this article is yours.
While the controversy over WhatsApp’s privacy policies currently dominates the news, another problem with the platform has recently come to light. Numerous users are seeking a fix after alleging that WhatsApp arbitrarily banned their phone numbers. Others have been permanently barred by WhatsApp, while some bans are only temporary.
“My WhatsApp has been blocked. Please Enosoft i need your help so that i recover my account. There hasn’t been a mistake on my part. i have been using GB whatsapp. CEO SPY media addressed me, requesting if i could be having a solution to resolve his issue. “After losing my old phone, I recently purchased a new one. Although the SIM card was packaged with the phone, it was clear that the number had already been used. A number is recycled in South Africa if it hasn’t been used for a while. WhatsApp says I’ve been banned even though I just activated it. haven’t even started utilizing it yet. Annet asks for assistance. Numerous other users have written to Enosoft claiming to have encountered a related issue.
According to WhatsApp, users are not banned from the service unless they are discovered to be in violation of its terms of service. These are some of the reasons WhatsApp might have suspended your account:.
1. Only trustworthy websites, such as the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, should be used to download WhatsApp. A WhatsApp ban will result from the use of mod apps.
2. Prior to adding contacts to groups, obtain their consent. It’s against the rules to join groups with an arbitrary number of people.
3. A WhatsApp ban might occur if you send marketing messages to unlisted numbers.
4. A permanent WhatsApp ban may result from sending lewd or illegal messages or from joining illegal groups.
5. Using the phone number for suspicious actions
6. Receiving several reports regarding your account from other users.
Here are different bans for WhatsApp.
1. Permanent Ban.
Your mobile number will no longer be allowed to use the platform once you receive a Permanent Ban. A permanent ban cannot be lifted by a user.
2. Temporally ban.
It’s possible that you’re using an unofficial version of WhatsApp if you get an in-app message saying your account has been “temporarily banned.”. The app has the ability to prevent users from information harvesting, also known as scraping. If the user continues to scrape or refuses to use the official app, they risk a temporary ban.
Therefore if a user believes that their account has been banned in error, they can write to support by opening WhatsApp > Settings > Help > Contact Us. Users can also use WhatsApp Messenger Support, and send a question to get help on the matter By switching to the official version of the platform, users who are using mod apps can get their temporary ban lifted. It is recommended that those who want to learn more about why WhatsApp blocked their numbers visit the official website or click here.