Geosteady Applauds Ex Prima Kardashi For Taking Good Care Of Children.

Singer Geosteady, whose real name is Hassan George Kigozi, has praised his ex-wife and child’s mother Prima Kardashi for raising the kids well. The youngest of the two, who have two stunning daughters, will turn four soon.
Their kids were young when they got divorced, and at first they didn’t agree on how to co-parent. Simply because Geosteady wasn’t supporting the kids financially, Prima refused to let him see them.
He didn’t even buy them food in the first years after their divorce, let alone pay for their school expenses. In fact, Prima called him out on social media, stating that if he wanted to see the kids, he should take care of them.
The Galaxy FM host Mr. Henry and Prima soon became romantically involved. As soon as Geosteady entered the picture to look after his children, the relationship quickly ended.
Despite the fact that Prima Kardashi and Geosteady exposed themselves online and shared each other’s dirty secrets, he still likes her.
In a social media post, the singer expressed his gratitude for Prima’s excellent child care. In fact, he prayed for God to grant her her top preferences.
“Solange was 2 years here. On Sunday, she makes 4 years 🎉🎂 can’t wait to celebrate you chwiiitiiii Solange Kigozi 🥰🖤. I mostly thank Allah SWT for the gift of life 🙏🏾🙏🏾 Alhamdulillah
Mama SO Prima Kadarshi thanks for taking care of my babies Allah akuwe kyosinga okwagala 🙏🏾,” Geosteady posted.