List of songs by Mpiima Johnson including singles, Albums and featured.

Mpiima Johnson born Decemeber 1995 is a Ugandan Singer, Song and Content Writer, Producer, Actor signed under MPM Media Ltd. His Recording Genres include Afro pop, ragga and Dancehall in Luganda and English.
The list below shows some of the Music Songs by the Artist.
1. Awana Love
2. African Drums
3. Am gonna be with you
3. I will never leave you
4. Omukwano
5. Tek you Out
6. Dat wine
7. For the Love
8. Yegwe musawo
The Artist also has Albums titled below;
1. Tek you Out
3. For the Love
3. Awana Love
Featured Songs;
1. Omukwano
2. Tek you Out
3. Yegwe musawo
According to the Artist, some of his debut albums were created for the passion and love for his fans. Mpiima Johnson is one of the most loved Raising star Artists following Artists like; Liam voice, vyroota, Alien skin, An-Known, Nana hit maker. He was also among the nominated Artist to participate in the Raising star Awards and Zina awards 2023.
Mpiima Johnson is also a song writer and claims to be the same person behind his music writing and production.
Following the Artist background, Mpiima Johnson’s passion for music and acting started way back from his childhood at school were he always engaged him self in different curricular activities such as music dance and Drama.