An investigation into the saga of out-of-date courses will begin right away – MPs

An investigation into the saga of out-of-date courses and unlicensed professional programs will begin right away. It will be run by the Committee on Education and Sports of the Parliament.
The media reported earlier this week that some Ugandans with degrees are having their requests to continue their education abroad denied. This appears to be done on the grounds that the coursework they completed is no longer valid because it was not accredited.
The announcement of the start of the investigation was made by John Twesigye, a Bunyaruguru County MP who also serves as the committee’s chair.
During a plenary session presided over by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa, he distributed the information.
He stated that the committee will speak with representatives from the ministry of education and other pertinent organizations today as well as tomorrow to analyze the situation.
Before deciding to look into the situation, MPs demanded a formal, immediate explanation. They also requested assistance from the government in resolving the issue.
The term “expired” is currently becoming more popular in Uganda. As a result of the National Council for Higher Education’s (NCHE) announcement that some courses were no longer acceptable for teaching, this took place.
However, the council used the word “expired” in its communication via its official website. Those unaccredited courses were described in this.
The institutions listed have since come forward to defend the mentioned higher certificate, diploma, and degree programs.
They claimed that because they had undergone reorganization, merger, or renaming after content modification, these were mistakenly considered to be expired.
According to officials, some other courses were being reviewed by the same statutory body that classified them as “expired.”.
The MPs demanded very specific information from the government on the actions being taken to deal with these cases. Ugandans require assurance that those who have received an education didn’t do so in vain, which is why this is necessary.